Welcome to Fressingfield & Stradbroke practices
If you have been loaned a blood pressure machine from the surgery, please could you remember to return it once you're finished with it. Thank you.
We are supporting the petition to expand services at Hartismere Hospital in Eye. Please do sign to show your support
If you have had two doses of MMR then you have had the complete course of MMR vaccines. Parents please refer to your childs personal health record (Red Book) to confirm if they have received two doses. Two doses of the MMR vaccination can help stop your child becoming seriously unwell with measles. The above link provides information about the MMR vaccine.
Please click here to go to the NHS website for Measles
Please see this link Advice after a fall for advice regarding getting up from a fall, good health, reducing the risks of falling, extra support, and useful contacts.
The integrated care board in Suffolk organises monthly training events for practices across Suffolk. We will be closed for clinics from 1.00 pm on the following days so our doctors and nurses can attend these events:
2025 DATES: Wednesday 12th February, Thursday 10th April, Wednesday 14th May, Thursday 12th June, Wednesday 17th September, Thursday 16th October, Wednesday 12th November
2026 DATES: Thursday 12th February
The telephones will be diverted to the Out of Hours provider, who will be covering any clinical emergencies.
Please dial 111 if you need medical assistance. If your problem is life threatening dial 999.
The Dispensary will continue to be open for medication collection from 3pm.
Advice for Parents & Carers - Health and Wellbeing in the First Few Years
(Site updated 20/01/2025)